GEOBID sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) is geodesy IT company active on the market since 1991
The company specializes in:
Developing and implementation of land information systems
Its basic product is EWMAPA, a computer graphics software, the first versions of which, prepared for the DOS operating system functioned on the Polish market as early as in 1992.
For the area of over 60 percent of the surface of Poland, cadastral maps are maintained in the EWMAPA software.
Based on the EWMAPA database, the STRATEG system has been developed, enabling the management of local administration units (management of real estates, roads, waters, environmental protection, etc.)
Development of geo-portal services
EWMAPA software is both a server of data for the Internet, and a client for data (services) from the Internet.
Commissioned by the Polish Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK), we developed
The company runs an Internet map service
Moreover, we developed numerous geo-portals active at the level of district (county).
Execution of geodetic (survey) works, mainly digital map studies
The possibilities provided in the EWMAPA software enable development of digital maps, both from source documents (measures on contours or sketches), as well as digitalization of existing studies in different scales, with simultaneous correction of their cartometry properties (extended possibilities of fitting in source materials).
The end result, the digital map, may be prepared in all known map formats.
Training s and consultations concerning STRATEG system